Beyond ‘time management’- Become a Time Leader

“Time is the scarcest resource and unless it is managed nothing else can be managed.”
– Peter F. Drucker

Managing Time as a Leader - Michael Caceci

Whenever I ask business owners and managers to describe their professional and personal challenges, time management is almost always near the top of the list; for themselves and people who work for them. Many also say “I wish I had more time in my day.”

The ‘time management’ dilemma:

Have you ever noticed that some people take on extra work, are active in their communities, and still have time for family and friends? They accomplish what they set out to do and make it look effortless while others struggle just to complete daily work tasks.

There is no shortage of books, systems and technologies promising to help. Yet, despite calendars, smart phones, meeting reminders and other tools, many people continue to run late for appointments, miss deadlines, and fail to achieve balance between their work and personal lives.

Management skill or Leadership quality?

And, when I ask participants in my leadership development programs to list the qualities of an ‘ideal’ leader, rarely do they include time management. Perhaps it is because managing time is perceived to be a skill. I believe the ability to manage time and prioritize tasks is also a quality, rooted in the values that form leaders’ attitudes and habits. People who make time work for them and focus on what’s important become time leaders.

For example, President Dwight Eisenhower, American hero and the leader who led the Allied forces to victory in World War II, understood the importance of managing time and priorities. He developed a simple technique that became known as the Eisenhower Box. Ike segmented tasks into four categories based on their importance and urgency. Like Ike, time leaders prioritize and invest their time.

Time leaders also respect others’ time and priorities. When a person in a position of authority is considerate of others’ time, they earn power, gain respect and build loyalty. Actions can be as simple as arriving five minutes early for appointments, starting and ending meetings on time, and setting realistic project deadlines.

Questions to consider:

• How do you use your time? Is time something you spend, like cash at the mall? Or do you invest your time on the things that truly matter?
• Do you plan and organize your calendar to maximize time?
• What habits have you developed to do more with the time you have? Do you prioritize work and follow a repeatable, effective process to meet deadlines?

If you’d like to learn more about becoming a time leader, contact me. I’ll buy you a cup of coffee.