Professional Development

The critical skills of leadership, management, sales, teamwork, and communication are essential for success and creating customer value. It’s the combination of individuals’ attitudes, behaviors, knowledge and skills that set an organization apart from the competition.

Who Is Responsible for the Professional Development of Your Employees?

In the past, many companies provided professional development and training to employees as part of normal business practices. Large enterprises such as IBM, Xerox, GE, Procter & Gamble and others were famous for internal training and development programs. It was part of their strategy to attract the best people who look for such a benefit to stay at the top of their game.

Smaller companies on the other hand, often find it’s not easy to fund truly impactful training and professional development unless it’s to handle new equipment, software or tools required to keep the company running. And critical ‘soft skills’ that are increasingly necessary for effective leadership and management get the least time and investment.


Tangible Results from “Soft Skills” Development

Investing in training and development can make business owners uneasy, especially in small and mid-sized companies. They think, “What if I train them and they leave?” A better question to ask is “What if I don’t train them and they stay?”

The hard truth is key areas are directly affected when leadership and related skills are either missing or poor. These have well-known metrics which can be tracked and linked to training and development:

  • Employee Turnover
  • Employee Satisfaction
  • Errors, Re-Work, Cancelled Orders

The Excellerated Performance Difference

Excellerated Performance makes an important distinction between training and development. Training is basically teaching people new skills. Development is getting people to apply their skills and knowledge more effectively, more often.

Though knowledge and skills are essential for success, they do not guarantee it. Having the right attitudes and habits, combined with defined goals, are just as important—often more so. Unfortunately, traditional training methods including one-time workshops, online training and 30-minute webinars that seem inexpensive expose participants to information only once. There is little or no follow-up to ensure the training actually worked. Excellerated Performance is different. Our approach is different because we ensure people actually retain and apply what they learn.


Results Are Driven By Behavior

Improved results can only happen when people go through positive behavioral change. This requires understanding the four key factors that affect performance and determine results: attitudes, skills, knowledge and goal setting.

These factors are shown below in our “success formula”:

Attitude (Skills & Knowledge) + Goals => Positive Change => Improved Results

Excellerated Performance addresses all four. We customize every program to match clients’ requirements. We combine pre-program due diligence, research on how people really learn, world-class materials, and skilled facilitation. And we follow-up to ensure participants continue to excel and perform based on what they learned in our programs.

We offer tailored programs in the following key areas:

So, What Is The Next Step for YOU?

Contact us today for a complimentary initial consultation. We have helped large and small companies and nonprofits wrestle the issue of planning down to a manageable size and significantly improve their results.